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Nov 17, 2019
Eating sushi with a bulldozer
There are eccentric looking instruments scattered about the lab, each a tailored assembly of sensors and lasers, shackles and hose...
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Nov 15, 2019
What’s the Question?
Science starts with a question. What is that? How does it work? Why does it do that? When does it change? These questions then drive a...
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Nov 12, 2019
The first ice
That was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. We were all sitting in the main lab for the daily 18:00 science meeting when...
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Nov 11, 2019
Join us LIVE!
Want to hang out in the frozen Arctic with us…from the cozy comfort of your couch? Your first chance is just TWO DAYS away! We are...
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Nov 7, 2019
The front lines
Nome is an obvious place to begin an expedition into the Alaskan Arctic; there is a long pier capable of housing large ships, access to...
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Nov 3, 2019
Picking up heavy things
Last weekend, we were in Newport, Oregon getting our first peak at our home for the next month: the research vessel, Sikuliaq. But we...
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Oct 24, 2019
Inspiring future scientists
A clever gaggle of 8th graders impressed us with their passion, energy and awareness. We were thrilled to be invited to talk to 50-or-so...
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Oct 24, 2019
What we're trying to do here
It’s not a secret anymore; the climate is changing. Weather events are getting more extreme, from forest fires to snowpocolypses, from...
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